Monday, June 27, 2011

Last Night in Brussels = First Day in Ukraine

Just wanted to send a quick note that my time in Brussels has come to an end and that I leave for Ukraine in the morning!  I will take an early train to the Amsterdam airport, where I hope to meet up with the rest of the team to fly to Kiev.  Please say a prayer for me with all my stages of travel (metro to train station to airport to Kiev) as well as the rest of our crew-- we have many people coming from several different itineraries.

It has been wonderful to see my friend, Steph and to get to know her friends as well as her life here in Brussels.  I loved the city...even more than I expected.  We had a nice mix of staying in and going out and I feel like I got to see a lot of the city.  It's going to be quite a change of pace to leave for camp!  I am having mixed emotions-- I'm so sad to leave Steph and I'm nervous about camp like I always am, but I'm also so grateful to have another opportunity to see those kids and another opportunity to serve God with such amazing people!

Much more when I return to the US!

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